Dec 14, 2016

ALERT 666...MMM IS 666...



God's revelation to Emma-Nnanna Chima. I saw it on his wall and decided to share. Read in his words.

"MMM is an agenda of the Antichrist. I am not a mathematician but each time God reveals any thing to me with mathematical illustrations I handle it seriously. God wants a good life for you but be careful how you go about it.

This morning I was in a trance when the Lord took me and showed me this. "What is the full meaning of MMM?", the Lord asked me. "I don't know Lord", I replied. "It's not the acronym of any word but a representation of the number of the beast and it's name". This is what the Lord showed me.

Let's number the Ms 1-3 according to their appearance M1, M2, M3.
The alphabet M is 13 on the English alphabets.
The value of M is 13.
M1*1=13 (13*1=13)
M2*2=26 (13*2=26)
M3*3=39 (13*3=39)
Add the value of the Ms
Divide 78 by the value of one M
Repeat the equation two more times the outcome becomes 666.

Does it surprise you?
Run the same equation with the alphabets of Igbo language using the same formula.

Let's number the Ms 1-3 according to their appearance M1, M2, M3 (like we did in the English alphabets).
The alphabet M is 19 on the Igbo language alphabets.
The value of M is 19.
M1*1=19 (19*1=19)
M2*2=38 (19*2=38)
M3*3=57 (19*3=57)
Add the value of the Ms
Divide 114 by the value of one M
Repeat the equation two more times the outcome becomes 666 again.

Does it surprise you further?
Run the same equation with the alphabets of any language you'd get the same answer 666.

"What has MMM subtracted from my salvation" you may ask. Listen, the Lord told me this morning that this is not the Antichrist itself but a test run. He further told me that the 3 main agendas of this test run is:
1- To distract Christians from Evangelism.
2- To cause high blood pressure for many. And
3- To evaluate how many would embrace his currency when it comes.

A word is enough for the wise. Do the work of an evangelist. Let's spread the gospel. Tell someone 'Jesus loves you and wants a good life for you, come unto Him' ".

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